
时间:2020-11-23 20:31:17 观后感 我要投稿




  Childhood is like a stream. Childhood is like a wind bell, ding bell, beautiful sound. However, the childhood of "warm spring", the protagonist of the film, makes me sigh with emotion.

  Her parents died because of the cave-in, leaving her with her grandmother. Before long, grandma also died, leaving a little flower alone to live. The little flower is often bullied by others, and because there is nothing to eat hungry faint on the soil slope, later she was adopted by an old grandfather. The old man was very kind to her, and he was sick to the hillside to cut willow branches for school, and the little flower also treated grandpa as a grandfather, and he cooked and washed and cleaned every day. But aunt of floret is very bad, but when when aunt was ill, she want to do everything you can to help aunt look for medicine, let aunt get well soon, and the aunt is try every means to get rid of floret, floret chase after, aunt fall down because of panic, floret hurriedly hand a aunt, also care about aunt comfort, finally, aunt were moved by the little flower, after particularly good to flower. In order to repay his grandpa, xiao hua worked hard and became a college student. After graduation, he became a teacher and returned to the poor mountains where he had lived.

  Through this film, I understand that we should treat everyone around us with sincerity, and if anyone makes mistakes, we should be tolerant, because tolerance can enlighten others and illuminate ourselves.










9.暖春观后感400字 观《暖春》有感