
时间:2023-07-06 17:02:09 发言稿 我要投稿





  I, never give up. I, doesn't like defeat others at the foot, more doesn't like fail. Fail to defeat, failure is equal to success! As long as youmake all-out efforts is success. Saying: " failure is the mother of success. " If we fail, only thing is the spirit of failure, success.However, fail, you will always be a loser, forever will only under otherssurvive! Fail, you are " doing " set before abortion language, is never succeed and fail, attributive; fighting you strain every nerve in the "do " before! As long as you work hard, as long as you catch the last hope, the failure is also a colorful rainbow, radiate a beautiful light,the sun shining just for you, the moonlight and the gentle for you!Remember, she, my cousin. In the college entrance examination, she worked hard, hard, hard again! Learning, learning, learning to the bottom line! My dream two university, she always think of learning, itnight and day, night, I heard she recites poetry " Lili original grass,one a withered flourish until need need " at night the heavens did notneed to need to be -- under a downpour. My cousin just got a score of 549. Even if she failed, I didn't hear her say failure, more not to see her a look of frustration. She smiled, obsessed with looking at the sun, suck the scent of a morning air. I see, she sadly sad, but she said that such a sentence: " the failure, not what, then, is only aminor injuries of mind, and not physically hurt hurt. " Dust, without much success, but there are too many failures, more is to fail.Boundless earth, why are you alive? Is not to have a successful life,is to the happy, happy life? Don't try now, what is the future? You saynow, even after a heavy price is the failure of the life! Is he, mycousin. He, in the fourth grade, the results were good, then he had to go to the Internet bar, grades suffer a disastrous decline, from 95 points to 57 points to fail. Later, he still do not repent, in junior highschool the first day he hurried to go to Internet cafes, but on the firstday, want to go to the internet. Of course, he did not go to the experimental class, he often say: " I don't use, lazy, only rely on you to try, I again how to also was not used. " Didn't try what you know, as" not taste the sour grapes" for the same reason. So we should work hard, never give up, adhere to in the end need to need no mattersuccess or failure, you are the winner of the spirit, is always asuccess! Failure is not Yao, a failure, is wrong, is wrong and then change, life is still wonderful; defeat, but you always fail, life always so boring! Come on, we want to surpass yourself, never say die.


My dear friends,

  “Once upon a time,there was a king who had a daughter as beautiful as a blooming rose. To all the suitors who came to the king's palace to ask for the hand of the princess, the old king assigned three tasks to be accomplished, each next to impossible. One day, into the king's palace came a handsome young prince..." Well, you know the rest. The three tasks may be different in different versions, but the main plot is always the same, with the prince claiming the princess's hand triumphantly.

  And the ending is always the same, finishing with the line "And they live happily every after."

  Why aren't we tired of something so fanciful, so unrealistic, and, I would say, so unimaginative? How can a story like that endure generations of repetition`? Because, I think, it is a typical success story. It is highly philosophical and symbolic. By implication, we see a 4-step definition of success:

  1 ) a goal to be set. as represented by the beautiful princess;

  2 ) challenges to be met, as represented by the three tasks;

  3 ) the process of surmounting difficulties, as represented by the ordeals the youth goes through; and

  4 ) the reward of success, as represented by the happy marriage.

  The story not only caters to everyone's inward yearning for success, but also emphasizes the inseparability of the process and the result. The reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. If a person inherits his father's millions and leads an easy life, he is not a successful person even in material terms, because there are no difficulties involved in his achieving affluence. The term "success", to be sure. will not sit still for easy definition. But as I understand it, the true meaning of success entails a combination of both the process and the satisfactory result of an endeavor. To clarify my view, let me give another analogy.

  If we changed the rules of football, greatly enlarged the goal and sent away David Seaman or any other goal keeper, so that another David, namely David Beckham, could score easily, then scoring would not give him the thrill of accomplishment and the joy that it brings. If we further changed the rules by not allowing Arsenal's defenders to defend, so that Beckham needed only to lift a finger, actually a toe, to score, then there would be no game at all, because the meaning of winning would have disappeared. In accepting the challenge, in surmounting the difficulties and in enduring the hardship, success acquires its value. The sense of attainment varies in proportion to the degree of difficulties on overcomes.

  The concept of success is not constant but relative because the nature of difficulty is also relative. Something you do effortlessly might pose a great difficulty for a handicapped person. In acquiring the ability to do the same as you can, he or she achieve success. That's why we greatly admire Stephen Hawking, because, though confined to a wheel chair, he has contributed greatly to the field of science.

  I myself, a rather shy person by nature who easily suffer from stage fright, had to pluck up great courage to take part in a speech contest like this. I could have stayed away and had an easy time of it by not entering the university level contest.But I chose to accept the challenge and to face the difficulties. Now here I am. If I come out first, it will be a great success for me. If I come out last-I hope this will not be the case-but if I come out last, I will not call my attempt a failure, but will also celebrate it as a true success, because part of my goal is my own character training-to do more assertive, to be brave in face of difficulties. For me, it is a meaningful step forward, small as it is, in the long journey toward the final success in my life, because I have truly gained by participating.

  Let us return to our handsome young prince and the 4-step definition of success. You my have noticed that the usual worldly criteria of wealth, position and fame were not mentioned as part of the story, but rather, it emphasized the process of overcoming difficulties. The ancient wisdom had already defined the meaning of success, and this is my definition, too.

  Thank you.


  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen :

  it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.

  my dream is to become a teacher.

  you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.i suggest that it must be a great fun to be with children all the if i am a teacher,i can teach my students a lot of might become stronger and cleverer because of is a very contented feeling.

  china is a developing ese are not that excellent in their teachers in china might be very very can provide the society with a lot of successful people,and make china a better place.

  do you think that i have a good dream?i will work hard to make my dream become true!

  Thank you!


  You are where you are. Accept it and feel the power your acceptance givesyou to move forward.

  This moment is as it is. Accept its uniqueness and experience the freedomof not having to fight against it.

  There are difficult challenges in your life. Accept them and feel theenergy that will enable you to rise above them.

  Accept that this is your starting point. Instead of placing judgements onit,see the real,positive value that’s already yours. You cannot change whereyour past priorities and choices have brought you. Yet you can make use of thewisdom you’ve earned to create a future that fulfils your most treasureddreams.

  Lovingly and gratefully accept who you’ve been,what you’ve done,what youhave and where you are. For you can now transform it all into what you most wishto be.







  well, welcome to the white house,everybody. and that was one of the best introductions i’ve ever had. (applause.) so we’re so proud of kiara for the introduction and for sharing yourstory, and you’re just so poised. and iknow geoff canada is just out there all excited -- (laughter) -- and proud, andi know your mom is proud. i know she is. she should be.

  kiara and the rest of these youngpeople grew up in a 97-square-block section of harlem. it’s a place where the odds used to bestacked against them every single day, even just graduating from high schoolwas a challenge. but with the help ofsome very dedicated adults and a program called the harlem children’s zone,they’re right on track to go to college. together, students, teachers, administrators, parents, community, they’rechanging the odds in this neighborhood. and that’s what we’re here to talk about today -– changing the odds forevery american child so that no matter who they are, no matter where they areborn, they have a chance to succeed in today’s economy.

  now, the good news is that,thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the american people all across thecountry over the last five years, our economy has grown stronger. our businesses have now created more than 8million new jobs since the depths of the recession. our manufacturing, our housing sectors arerebounding. our energy and technologyand auto industries are booming. we’vegot to keep our economy growing. we’vegot to make sure that everybody is sharing in that growth. we’ve got to keep creating jobs, and then we’vegot to make sure that wages and benefits are such that families can rebuild alittle bit of security. we’ve got tomake sure this recovery, which is real, leaves nobody behind. and that’s going to be my focus throughoutthe year.

  this is going to be a year ofaction. that’s what the american peopleexpect, and they’re ready and willing to pitch in and help. this is not just a job for government; thisis a job for everybody.

  working people are looking forthe kind of stable, secure jobs that too often went overseas in the past coupleof decades. so next week, i’ll join companies and colleges and take action toboost high-tech manufacturing -- the kind that attracts good new jobs and helpsgrow a middle class. business owners areready to play their part to hire more workers. so this month, i’m going to host ceos here at the white house not once,but twice: first to lay out specificsteps we can take to help more workers earn the skills that they need for today’snew jobs; second, they’re going to announce commitments that we’re making toput more of the long-term unemployed back to work.

  and on january 28th, in my stateof the union address -- which i want all the legislators here to know i’m goingto try to keep a little shorter than usual -- (laughter) -- they’re cheeringsilently -- (laughter) -- i will mobilize the country around the nationalmission of making sure our economy offers every american who works hard a fairshot at success. anybody in this countrywho works hard should have a fair shot at success, period. it doesn’t matter where they come from, whatregion of the country, what they look like, what their last name is -- theyshould be able to succeed.

  and obviously we’re coming off ofa rancorous political year, but i genuinely believe that this is not a partisanissue. because when you talk to the american people, you know that there arepeople working in soup kitchens, and people who are mentoring, and people whoare starting small businesses and hiring their neighbors, and very rarely arethey checking are they democrat or republican. there’s a sense of neighborliness that’s inherent in the american people-- we just have to tap into that.

  and i’ve been very happy to seethat there are republicans like rand paul, who’s here today, who are ready toengage in this debate. that’s a goodthing. we’ve got democratic andrepublican elected officials across the country who are ready to roll up theirsleeves and get to work. and this shouldbe a challenge that unites us all.

  i don’t care whether the ideasare democrat or republican. i do carethat they work. i do care that they aresubject to evaluation, and we can see if we are using tax dollars in a certainway, if we’re starting a certain program, i want to make sure that young peoplelike kiara are actually benefiting from them.

  now, it’s one thing to say weshould help more americans get ahead, but talk is cheap. we’ve got to actually make sure that we doit. and i will work with anybody who’swilling to lay out some concrete ideas to create jobs, help more middle-classfamilies find security in today’s economy, and offer new ladders of opportunityfor folks to climb into the middle class.

  and, personally, i hope we startby listening to the majority of the american people and restoring theunemployment insurance for americans who need a little help supporting theirfamilies while they look for a new job. and i’m glad the republicans and democrats in the senate are workingtogether to extend that lifeline. i hopetheir colleagues in the house will join them to set this right.

  today i want to talk aboutsomething very particular, a specific example of how we can make adifference. we are here with leaders whoare determined to change the odds in their communities the way these kids andtheir parents and dedicated citizens have changed the odds in harlem. it’s now been 50 years since presidentjohnson declared an unconditional war on poverty in america. and that groundbreaking effort created newavenues of opportunity for generations of americans. it strengthened our safety net for workingfamilies and seniors, americans with disabilities and the poor, so that when wefall -- and you never know what life brings you -- we can bounce backfaster. it made us a better country anda stronger country.

  in a speech 50 years ago,president johnson talked about communities “on the outskirts ofhope where opportunitywas hard to come by.” well, today’seconomic challenges are differentbut they’ve still resulted in communitieswhere in recent decades wrenching economic changehas made opportunity harderand harder to come by. there arecommunities where for toomany young people it feels like their future onlyextends to the next street corner or theoutskirts of town, too manycommunities where no matter how hard you work, your destinyfeels like it’salready been determined for you before you took that first step.

  i’m not just talking aboutpockets of poverty in our inner cities. that’s the stereotype.i’mtalking about suburban neighborhoods that have been hammered by the housingcrisis. i’mtalking about manufacturingtowns that still haven’t recovered after the local plant shut downand jobsdried up. there are islands of ruralamerica where jobs are scarce -- they were scarceeven before the recession hit-- so that young people feel like if they want to actually succeed,they’ve gotto leave town, they’ve got to leave their communities.

  and i’ve seen this personallyeven before i got into politics. infact, this is what drove meinto politics. i was just two years out of college when i first moved to the south sideof chicago.i was hired by a group ofchurches to help organize a community that had been devastatedwhen the localsteel plants closed their doors. and i’dwalk through neighborhoods filled up withboarded-up houses and crumblingschools, and single parents and dads who had nothing to dowith their kids, andkids who were hanging out on the street corners without any hope orprospectsfor the future.

  but these churches cametogether. and then they started workingwith other non-profits andlocal businesses. and the government -- local, state and federal -- participated. and we startedgetting some things done thatgave people hope. and that experiencetaught me thatgovernment does not have all the answers -- no amount of moneycan take the place of a lovingparent in a child’s life. but i did learn that when communities andgovernments and businessesand not-for-profits work together, we can make adifference. kiara is proof -- all theseyoungpeople are proof we can make a difference.

  for the last 17 years, the harlemchildren’s zone -- the brainchild of geoffrey canada, who’shere today -- hasproven we can make a difference. and itoperated on a basic premise that eachchild will do better if all the childrenaround them are doing better. so in harlem,staff membersgo door to door and they recruit soon-to-be parents for “babycollege,” preparing them forthose crucial first few months of life; makingsure that they understand how to talk to theirchild and read to their child,and sometimes working with parents to teach them how to read sothey can readto their child and give them the healthy start that they need.

  and then, early childhoodeducation to get kids learning at four years old. and then acharter school that help studentssucceed all the way through high school. and medical careand healthy foods that are available close tohome. and exercise. i was very pleased to hearthat -- michellewas very pleased to hear that -- (laughter) -- that they’ve got a strong physedprogram. and then students gettinghelp finding internships and applying to college, and anoutstanding, dedicatedstaff that tries to make sure that nobody slips through the cracks orfallsbehind.

  and this is an incredibleachievement, and the results have been tremendous. today,preschool students in the harlemchildren’s zone are better prepared for kindergarten. lastyear, a study found that students whowin a spot in one of the charter schools score higher onstandardized teststhan those who don’t. in a neighborhood where higher education was oncejustsomething that other people did, you’ve got hundreds of kids who’ve now gone tocollege.

  and harlem is not the onlycommunity that’s found success taking on these challengestogether. in cincinnati, a focus on education hashelped to make sure more kids are ready forkindergarten. in nashville, they’ve redesigned high schoolsand boosted graduation rates byalmost 20 percent over the past 12 years. in milwaukee, they’ve cut teen pregnancy inhalf.

  every community is different,with different needs and different approaches. butcommunities that are making the most progress on these issues havesome things in common.they don’t lookfor a single silver bullet; instead they bring together local governmentandnonprofits and businesses and teachers and parents around a shared goal. that’s whatgeoffrey did when he started theharlem children’s zone. government wasinvolved -- so don’tbe confused here, it has an important role to play. and already there are governmentresourcesgoing into these communities. but it’simportant that our faith institutions and ourbusinesses and the parents andthe communities themselves are involved in designing andthinking through howdo we move forward.

  and the second thing is they’reholding themselves accountable by delivering measurableresults. we don’t fund things, we don’t start projectsjust for the sake of starting them.they’vegot to work. if they don’t work weshould try something else. and sometimesthose of uswho care deeply about advancing opportunity aren’t willing tosubject some of theseprograms to that test: do they work?

  in my state of the union addresslast year, i announced our commitment to identifymore communities like these-- urban, rural, tribal -- where dedicated citizens aredetermined to make adifference and turn things around. andwe challenged them. we said ifyou candemonstrate the ability and the will to launch an all-encompassing,all-hands-on-deckapproach to reducing poverty and expanding opportunity, we’llhelp you get the resourcesto do it. we’lltake resources from some of the programs that we’re already doingandconcentrate them. we’ll make sure thatour agencies are working together more effectively.we’ll put in talent to help you plan. but we’re also going to hold you accountableand measureyour progress.


  They say that when you die your life flashes before your eyes。 Will you see any-thing other than a small black box in the corner of your room? What have you changed in th world? What will you leave behind?

  Or maybe you are surrounded by people all the time。duanwenw。 You are the center of attention and everybody loves you。 You go out with your friends, partying and having fun, but what about in the morning? You wake up with a severe headache and an upset stomach。 What about your death? Do you think it was time to go?

  You could be the exact opposite。 You may want pany, but for whatever reason not have it。 Maybe you’re scared or shy。 You go home, lock yourself in your room, and sink into anger。

  Are you an adventurer? Will your love of adventure lead to your end? You can never be quite sure when your heart and spirit will be broken。 All your adventures will one day be forgotten and it will all have been for nothing。

  Or maybe you played it safe your entire life。 You outlived all those others, but what for? You never did anything great; you never made anything of yourself。 You’re alone in all your security, but that worth it? You just took up space on th earth。

  They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes。 What will you see?


  We Need A Blue Sky

  In recent years heavy smog often appear in many cities of China, which has brought bad impact on our daily life. Since the value of PM2.5 inthe air is in the high level, many people wear masks to protect themselves when going out. Once in an area, due to the emissions of smoke from coal burning and car exhaust, the atmosphere was so heavily polluted that people couldn’t see their own fingers just in front of them and some schools and airports had to close down.

  When a strong sand storm is blowing, the whole sky will turn darker and darker. It looked as if we had been spending the night when the sun is high upin the sky. It is high time we tackled with the pollution problems.

  All factories in the cities that puff heavy smoke should be closed down or moved into the remote areas. All cars that emit black smoke should be banned from running on the roads. If we don’ttake resolute measures to protect our environment, our sky will never turn blue again,the air we breathe in every day will never be clean and our health will be deteriorating day by day. Therefore we appeal to the entire fellow country men, let’s take concerted action to safeguard our living environment.

  Premier Li Qiang, in his work report, had called on us to tackle with the pollution problems. Following the Premier’s call, some local governments had taken some measures, such as reducing the use of coal and putting restrictions on the use of private cars to fight against the pollution. As long as

  we take resolute measures to protect our environment, we can see a clear

  blue sky in the near future.


  Before giving a speech,I want to ask everyone some questions.

  many of you can remember the birthday of your parents?

  many people can remember the birthday of the idols you love?

  Today,many students can remember their own birthdays,their friends’ birthdays,even their idols’ ver,both of them forget their parents’ yone's life is a continuation of the parents of one blood, all of the parents gave us love, let us enjoy the human world of affection and happiness, therefore, we would like to thank the nts’ love is the most unconditional and thus the greatest love in the parents have done much for us since we were born,They give us lots of love and care,but we do not care for them enough.

  Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up.

  Gratitude is the feeling of being grateful, the art of receiving gracefully, and the act of showing appreciation for every act of kindness, big or small, that others do for itude can take many forms. It can be expressed by a large, dramatic gesture or it can be shown in a small way, like finding a very original and personal way to say thanks for a friend’s gift. Whatever we do to show our gratitude, we should do it in a sincere manner, for it is the feelings in our hearts that matters the story reminds us how important it is to express our gratitude to the ones who have offered us help. We can never be too grateful. The smiles and the thanks we give help us to build a better world, one that we can all live in and enjoy.

  I am grateful, God gave me my kind parents, so I can grow in their love.


  Ladies and gentlemen ,

  Good afternoon!

  Im very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is youth. i hope you inance of courage over timidity of the appetite , for adventure over the love of ease. this often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20 . nobody gro men and from the infinite, so long as you are young .

  When the aerials are down , and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old ,even at 20 , but as long as your aerials are up ,to catch waves of optimism , there is hope you may die young at 80.

  Thank you!


  On the night of March 1, the 76th Annual Academy Awards was shown on television. After watching it, I had a dream, a sudden wish, that some day, I could receive an Oscar award, or a nomination, for a movie I've made.

  While I was schooling in Australia, my friends from school and I received a n assignment one day, "To make a ten to twenty minute movie on the topic of your choice." At the time, the trend was based around the popular Matrix movie trilogy, so that became our obvious choice.

  Because our schedule was very tight, and it was a first time experience, we found it all very hard work, but when we released our production at school, it was worth it. After my friends and I showed the movie, we could not get from one end of the school to the other without getting congratulated about five or six times. We, especially I, were proud. We made a school-wide sensation.

  From then on, I became obsessed with how to make movies and how filming is done. I just wanted to know about everyone and everything that has something to do with movies. I would watch a movie four to five times, just to find out how one camera angle, or special effect was produced. I found everything I watched quite amazing. I sometimes admired directors and producers of these films because the techniques they use are so smart. Their cleverness inspired me to make and act in movies.

  When I become little bit older, I would like to attend a movie academy in Beijing or Shanghai, then America, or England, after some training and experience, I would like to make a movie, which will most likely be an action movie, which is my favorite kind of movie to watch.. If I am lucky, I hope I would get an Oscar Award for this movie. I think that would be quite a challenge, but it’s not impossible. For now, it’s back to watching movies over and over again for me!









  What are the opportunities? Some people say that opportunity is like a beauty! When you met or you do not grasp the courage to get to know her, she will be fleeting, or by others as she would sure have. And when you realize that, she has not! Only "hate free" the.

  Some people always complain about life and work, there is no Bole Chollima find themselves in this piece to their own development opportunities and space. So obscure, mediocre and incompetent. But I also think that the opportunity is grasped in its own hands, we must strive to create their own. Only your hard work is paid, and are prepared to do, and will be given the opportunity.

  College of Technology a few days before the primary science teaching and research staff to inform me to Shenyang to participate in the "Central Research Institute for Education and Research Center for Science Education in primary schools sponsored by the Second National (Northeast) Primary science class selection of quality seminars." For me this is not the formal for the science teacher is really a great, unique learning opportunities. This is from last semester to participate in talking about the essay contest, I am usually very concerned about education as a result of teaching activities, the regular education to the county Web site to see, there are no suitable to participate in the activities of their own, once I saw the call for the provincial colleges of education in primary science papers and instructional design. I found all levels of teaching materials and reference materials, and online instructional design carefully reading the wording of science, because since the work I have been engaged in the mathematical disciplines, mathematics is the primary and for a science or a layman, but since we must do a good job to do. I will be a good topica class, began to try to figure out how to write lesson plans in order to have innovation, do not fall into the familiar sets, as well as learning the value of certain. sought after I finished teaching at a renowned teacher, he believes that line, I only sent to College of Technology lesson plans. but it was not until this semester , College of Technology only notified to the participating provinces, but also published in book publishing.

  Although the school has three full-time science teacher, but because of age, some cling to the idea of fields, so the school activities in the scientific disciplines are always blank.刘校长I am seeking to see progress, work must be enforced vigorously. Let me declare Members of the College of Technology teaching and research in teacher training teacher backbone "activities. also my personal teaching ability is also excellent, I am very glad that the selection in the College of Technology, I selected those who have become. (This also indicates that I would like to in the scientific disciplines continue to enrich their own teaching ability, after a lot of teaching and learning activities to take part, and it is difficult to pay work)

  And刘校长talk about this matter, I said she would like to thank for giving me the opportunity to declare the training of teachers, have the opportunity to learn to go out. And she said that if work is not your personal efforts, I simply did not expect to declare your. Opportunity for everyone is equal is the chance to create your own, set up a bridge for better progress. As long as you are not afraid of suffering, the future you will be in the scientific disciplines of the results.

  It can be said that some teachers taught in science classes for many years did not become the subject of teacher training, but also there has been little success. I can not say that God favored me in particular, care, giving me the opportunity, but I am down-to-earth, step by step and be prepared to usher in the work of a good teaching opportunity, I will seize this rare opportunity to make our improvements!








  crazy speech

  ladies and gentlemen, good morning. it’s my great honor to be here and i am very happy to see you all. thank you for being here. what i am going to talk about today is how to speak good english. making

  first of all, i’d like to talk about the importance of speaking good english and share my experience in learning english with you. as you know, english has become an international language. wherever you go, english is always commonly used. it is convenient to know the language. at the same time, english may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future. the language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly english. being able to absorb this information is really the key to the new century. in the 21century. we can’t go there and speak our own language because nobody is going to learn it in order to understand us. our asian rival, india, has surged ahead of other developing countries in information technology because of its superior english skills. unless we are able to master english, we will not be able to get our population to use it and take advantage of the new economy. there is an urgent need to have a workforce which is proficient in the language in view of the information technology onslaught. second, about learning english, i think laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step. in other words, you should read and speak english every day. memorizing new words and phrases is also helpful. of course, learning english takes some time, so don’t be impatient. remember, rome wasn’t built in a day. and then since english is not our native tongue, wemust develop the muscles of your speech organs to produce unfamiliar sounds. when you read, read as loudly as possible, as clearly as possible and as quickly as possible. tongue muscles’ training is of importance in learning any foreign language.

  third, if you want to speak good english, please don’t care how poorly well you speak, only care about catching the chances to speak. you must enjoy losing face, just forget about your face. the more you speak, the better your english will become. the more mistakes you make, the more progress you will make. you must enjoy speaking poor english, because speaking is the only thing that will lead you towards success. don’t give up. just try your best. every time you move your mouth, your memory will deepen, your muscles will strengthen. you can make it.

  i have made a considerableamounts of public english speaking in my life, i am often asked why the crazy english method is better than other methods or if the crazy english method will help all english learners. my answer is, the method will help the english learners because it is a perfect match with the chinese principles of diligence, self-help and determination. mere exposure to english will not enable you to speak english. if you want to drive you have to get in the car and drive, if you want to dance you have to turn on the music and dance, if you want to swim you have to jump

  in the water and swim. in fact, swimming is the perfect comparison to learning english. you can’t learn to swim by sitting in a room and reading books about swimming skills. in order to be a swimmer you’ve got to conquer you fear, you’ve got to survive and suck in water, yell for help, you’ve got to lose face many times before you can make it. but, to be a good swimmer you’ve got to practice again and again. to be a great swimmer you have to practice for years until you can harmonize every part of your body and mind.

  finally, i want to greet you and encourage you to seize this unique opportunity to conquer english and make lifelong friends from all over our college. as you know, we are human beings ,not animals. we know what we want to do. we know our destiny is in our hands. with hard work and determination, we can do anything we set our mind to do. today, i will accompany you every minute on this unique journey. i want you to open your heart, i want you to be devoted, i want you to be crazy, i want you to forget about your face, i want to open your mouth wildly, i want you conquer your laziness and all the other human weaknesses, i want you to overcome all the obstacles that hold you back.

  i want to share your joy and i want to share your struggle, but most important of all, i want to share your glory and victory. we are the future of china, the future of asian, and the future of the world. we desire to win, we must win, we will win, absolutely, definitely, and without any doubt! form a painfully shy boy who felt terrible about himself, who regarded himself as human trash, a born loser, to an internationally recognized english promoter, i made it. so i strongly believe that you will make it too. i have confidence in you.


  well, i almost had a heart attack〖心脏病发作;心脏麻痹〗a few moments ago, when i was asked to speak in english. i guess i didn't have one, fortunately, because i am still standing here firmly on my feet〖仍好端端地站在这里〗.

  from childhood, i have been a poor student of foreign languages〖从小我的外语就不好〗. throughout my education〖学生时代〗, i have been exposed to〖接触〗languages such as english, spanish, and french, but i flunked all these classes. but through my experience in business at home and abroad〖国内外〗i have learned the most important language by meeting a wide range of people from different cultures. it's the language of human relationship that is based on trust, openness, and under standing〖这就是基于信任、开放和理解的人际关系的语言〗. this universal language〖这种世界性的语言〗has always brought people of different cultures close together〖将不同文化的人们紧密地结合在一起〗. and i believe it is through this language of human relationship that our company has grown into what it is today〖达到它今日的成长/发展到今日的规模〗.

  i want to thank you for giving me an opportunity to speak to you. and next time, please ask me in advance to make a speech. (我要感谢大家给我一个机会向各位讲话/和各位交流。不过,下一次请事先通知我一声要作演讲喔/下一次可别再给我来个突然袭击喔!)

  1. be exposed t暴露;(比喻)遇到;接触

  2. flunk:失败;(使)不及格

  she flunked her english examination.

  the teacher flunked him in geography. (老师给他的`地理打不及格。)


  it is generally believed that chinese are poor public speakers, especially when it comes to speaking in english, and fortunately or unfortunately, i am no exception to that rule.



  My English teacherMy English teacher is slim and beautiful. She is in her thirties with curly,short hair. She has been teaching in this school for about ten years. She is kind,generous, friends and intellegent. Of course she is very strict with us.

  She likes reading books and traveling. She knows so much that she always makes her class interesting and lively. She ofen lets us watching PPT, short English movies and descuss in class so that we all have chance to speak English and know the background of Europe and America.

  She is our best friend,too. When we have any difficulties wheather they are about English or our lives, she can always give us good suggestion. She works so hard that sometimes she has no time to rest herself. Sometimes she has to prepare the lesson and read our test paper till late at night. I still remember when she first became my English teacher, I was weak in it and always worried. She talked with me for a long time on how to learn English and lent me some books. Besides she often helped me with my English after school. With her help, I made great progress and I could caught up with others. Now I am good at English and I thank her very much. This is my English teacher who is lovely and kind. So we all love her very much.


  The Real Persuasive Speech ·Edward M. Kennedy:Chappaquiddick ·

  To use the vivid example to wake up the conscience in peoples hearts.To love nature is to love our mankind.

  As the new generation who enter the new century, we should make efforts to love and respect nature, to treat it well and protect it.

  Only in this way can we have a beautiful nature to enjoy it!Thank you. it is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty.

  everybody was born with a heart for beauty.

  today in china,with the rising of our living standard, peoples requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly.

  some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks.

  but it seems to me,all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty.

  in my opinion,we shouldnt only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty.

  as we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important.

  this was confirmed by a famous russian writer in words much like this: a person is not lovely for being beautiful but beautiful for being lovely.

  here, id like to quote two typical instances and im sure, my dear friends,from them youll find out what real beauty is.

  recently i learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer.

  she is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song.devotion of love.

  not long ago,she was invited to zhejiang province to give performance.

  the moment she was to appear on the stage,she suddenly asked for more reward.

  worse still,after her request was satisfied, she didnt begin to sing at once.

  instead,she took her time to count all the money piece by piece.

  thus she kept the audience waiting for half an hour.

  so when she at last showed up and started to sing devotion of love,a man rose up from his seat and shouted at her,you dont have any devotion of love.

  you are not qualified to sing this song ! hearing this, the singer stopped singing and began to shout abuses with her finger pointed at the man.

  at this time the whole audience burst into an uproar.

  how disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! it is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others.

  now, im coming to another true story.

  its about a poor, ordinary looking old woman.

  she was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps.

  however,she took in more than ten homeless orphans successively and managed to bring them up.

  every day she labored from morning till night.

  in order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even went to a hospital regularly to sell her blood.

  she got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home.

  when asked why she chose to burden herself with so many children,she smiled and simply answered,oh,i love children and i like to have their company.

  though the old woman was poor materially, she was full of affection and rich in spirit.

  she was loved dearly by her children.

  she was also highly appreciated by the local government, and truly respected by people in her community.

  maybe you cant help wondering, what makes that ordinary woman so extraordinary? it is nothing else but her inner beauty, her true devotion of love without any thought of rewarding.

  what a sharp contrast there is between the great woman and the selfish singer]

  so,to answer the question what is real beauty?, i declare definitely,it is the beauty lying in ones heart of hearts and embodied in his actions and deeds,that is,the inner heauty! hello, boys and girls.

  my name is shen huiyao.

  i’m a girl and i’m a student.

  i’m from qianjia wan.

  i like yellow, because i like banana.

  my favorite food is eggs.

  i like chinese, because i think mr.

  fan is a good chinese teacher.

  and i like miss zhou, too.shy: look, this is my family photo.

  who’s this woman?s1: is she your mother?shy: yes, she’s my mother.

  and who’s this man?s2: is he your father?shy: yes.

  he’s my father.

  then who’s this man? he’s a old man.s3: is he your grandfather?shy: yes, he’s my grandfather.

  and this is my uncle.

  who’s this girl? ha, ha, it’s me.my mother is beautiful.

  my father is cool.

  i love my father.

  i love my mother.

  and they love me.

  my grandfather is kind.

  kind means

  my grandfather is very very kind.

  i love my grandfather, too.my speech is over.

  thank you everyone, goodbye!


  the first time i saw bao was in 20xx, the year when thomas and uber cup was held. at that time he was playing against li zongwei, who is also a good player from malaysia. bao beat him. to tell the truth, at first the reason why i liked him was just because i thought he was pretty.(maybe it is not a suitable word, but i think no better word can describe him, he is really pretty!) from that time, i have focused on him. then gradually, i found that he not only has good appearance, but also has a talent for badminton.he is very tall, about 1.90 meters. he is the tallest one among all the players in the chinese badminton team. in 20xx, he is chosen as the flag holder stands for china in the opening ceremony in the 15th asian games held in doha. it was the first time that the badminton players were chosen to take over the special task, before which time, it belonged to the basketball players. it was a great honor. and it also proved that bao was an excellent athlete. we are all proud of him.he began to play badminton when he was at primary school. in 20xx, he won his first good medal, which was significant to him, in guangzhou. because of that, he entered the chinese badminton team. as he is as old as lin dan, who is the top one in the world, he is always put into a situation which is not good to him. he seldom beats lin dan, so he gained a name which is called千年老二. in fact, his techniques are comprehensive, but he is lack of passion, the desire to win is not so strong. so he always has misplays. due to this, he seldom wins the gold medal. i think this is related to his character. he is easygoing and couth; he looks as if he will never get angry with anybody. so this affects him while he is playing badminton. in a period of time, critical voice has come towards him. he is under great pressure. he was not in the best state. but

  recently he cheers up again. several days ago, the chinese badminton championship 20xx was held in guangzhou. i went to see him on saturday. i was very excited, and i shouted loudly, hoping he could hear me. there is no doubt that he won the game. before he went away, he waved hand to us, how excited i was at that time! the next day, he beat li zongwei again and he won the mans single gold medal. all of us are very happy. after 7 years, which could be a long time for an athlete, he proved himself again in guangzhou, which is considered as his lucky place.i think this will be the energy of his advancing. and i hope he can keep this fighting will and win the gold medal in the 29th olympic games held in beijing!best wishes!

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